Straight from the Source: Classroom Insights Mean Better Investments

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Straight from the Source: Classroom Insights Mean Better Investments

Science lab using logitech reach camera to project onto a large monitor

4 tips for soliciting feedback from students and educators for smarter edtech purchases

K-12 schools spend up to $41 billion on edtech annually, but many of those tools are not used often. 1 in 6 educators say technology ends up sitting on the shelf because of the troubleshooting time it requires, while 81% say edtech isn't being used to its full potential. These stats reveal a challenge but also point to a possible solution: user feedback. If school leaders want to confidently choose solutions that stay in learners’ hands — not on the shelf — they can consult end users to find out what their unique needs, preferences, and struggles are. These are our top four tips for soliciting feedback about edtech, so that schools can make better investments and provide enhanced learning opportunities to their students.

1. Ask the right questions, and ask widely
To find edtech solutions that meet specific needs, ask specific questions. Don’t just ask whether students and educators like a solution. Find out why or why not, what uses they’ve tried for it, and what they think might make it better. Online surveys can collect these answers quickly and easily. Be sure to ask students and educators across grades and departments, including librarians and administrators. Even the youngest student can provide meaningful feedback, so tailor the surveys as needed for different ages with graphics and emoticons.
2. Be consistent and open
Collect feedback at regular intervals, such as halfway through the semester and at the end. This ensures that the information is current and that everybody gets plenty of chances to share their thoughts. Make it clear that further feedback is welcome anytime and provide channels for it, such as a digital or in-person IT comment box. That way, if a student or educator notices something important, they can share it immediately rather than waiting for the next scheduled survey.
Students using a iPad with the logitech crayon

3. Observe users in action

Observing classrooms first-hand allows IT administrators to discover factors that survey respondents might not have thought to bring up. Students and educators are masters of edtech hacks, and there’s a lot to learn by watching them go through their daily routines. Try to figure out what tools are sitting on the shelf most, and where learning time is being lost. If there’s tape on all the headset cords, maybe it’s time to consider a solution like the Logitech Zone Learn Wired Headset, which features replaceable cords. If educators are engineering awkward content camera setups with stacks of books, maybe they’d benefit from something like the Logitech Reach Webcam and Overhead Camera, which can easily be moved closer to or farther away from content with one hand. Use observations to get a sense of priorities and guide future purchase decisions.

4. Crunch the numbers

By asking questions around numbers, or collecting data themselves, IT administrators can gain key insights and help extend the life of investments. How many hours a day do students use a solution? How many help tickets for a certain tool are submitted compared to other tools? How many units of a certain solution need to be replaced each year, and what is the cost? Once the answers form a solid database, schools can make smarter investments and also draft help sheets for each solution (see the Logitech Pen deployment best practices for an example).

When trying to understand how edtech affects the learning experience, it’s a good idea to ask the people in the classroom. Students and educators who use edtech day after day have a wealth of insights to offer, and their feedback should be treated as a resource for schools to match future decisions to user needs. That way, with each decision, educators can be confident they’re choosing excellent solutions designed to eliminate difficulties, add value, and elevate education.

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