Designing a positive future, together
Sustainability requires all of us to work together. Here are the steps we’re taking.
At Logitech, sustainability is at the core of every design decision we make — from the moment raw materials are sourced to end-of-life considerations. It’s this attention to detail that can make a significant step toward a positive future.
We created this ebook to help you better evaluate our commitment to sustainability as you explore ways to optimize your supply chain to meet your own sustainability goals.
Download this ebook to learn about:
What’s driving the market for more sustainable technology solutions
An action plan for achieving sustainable IT
Scope 3 emissions and IT purchasing strategy
Our primary areas of focus: clean manufacturing, materials and carbon clarity, energy consumption, circularity, and recycling
How we can help you achieve your own sustainability goals
Tailored Workspaces: Customizing Desks for Optimal Employee Experience
Management Mastery with Logitech Services
Designing for Impact From Material Sourcing to Recycling
Werqwise Elevates Hybrid Work Using Logitech
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