Which Rooms bundle is right for your space?

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Rally enabled video conferencing room space

The priority of the office has shifted. Where once in-person collaboration was the primary focus, now video communication has entered the spotlight - and the configuration of the office needs to adapt, too.

Whether it’s hosting big conferences in the boardroom, facilitating multi-location calls, or providing pods for video huddles, every business needs to get its video conferencing set-ups right. Want to learn how to optimize your meeting spaces? Download our guide to discover the best options for you, with advice on:

  • Optimizing your tech set-up to get the most out of your space

  • Picture perfect audio and visuals for rooms of any size 

  • Broadcast quality video and crystal clear audio that makes everyone feel seen and heard, no matter where they’re dialing in from

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Illustration of monitor with a dedicated webcam used in video meeting

As Video Meetings Increase, So Does Meeting Fatigue

After a year of remote work and nearly constant video meetings, many employees are feeling “Zoom fatigue.” But is the problem with video, or how we use it?
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Customer Stories

Digitec galaxus

Digitec chose Logitech for its quality, scalability, design, flexibility, and features that makes it easy to hold virtual meetings at the highest level.
People in video conference meeting
Customer Stories

Next-Level Video Collaboration at SPAR

Discover how SPAR ICS achieved a simple roll-out of video collaboration solutions across the company with the support of Logitech.
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How Organizations Can Achieve Sustainability Goals

Sustainable IT represents an opportunity for IT leaders to contribute to a company’s sustainability goals through strategic procurement decisions. Here’s how.
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