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Team Success: The Value of Focus
Connect, work and grow your business with video conferencing.
Helping employees find focus was never traditionally the remit of the IT department. But when the pandemic struck and video conferencing became a fundamental feature of work, IT suddenly gained a new responsibility: making sure that collaboration equipment enables rather than impedes productivity and success.
Download the eBook to discover how IT teams can ensure video conferencing tech delivers benefits across the board, with tips and guidance on:
- Reducing the time spent managing and troubleshooting IT assets
Helping employees find deeper focus in their day and maximize their productivity
Optimizing the video conferencing experience for everyone, wherever they're working from today
Customer Stories
Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep
Noordwest Ziekenhuisgroep uses the Workstation on Wheels (WoW) with Logitech MeetUp and Tap Scheduler to improve communication between patients, clinicians and staff
Criteria for a Successful Video Conferencing Solution
Use these criteria to assess and find the ideal video conferencing solution for your organization in the era of hybrid work
Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows and Android: Know Your Options to Ensure the Best Experience for Your Meeting Rooms
Frost & Sullivan explores considerations for deploying Microsoft Teams Rooms on Windows and Android
Customer Stories
Werqwise Elevates Hybrid Work Using Logitech
Video-Enabling Flexible Meeting Spaces at Scale
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