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Simplify Your Meeting Room Scheduling
Recon Research shares how the right scheduling panel makes it easy to quickly find and book meeting rooms
Make finding and booking meeting rooms simple
Meeting room scheduling should be easy, but all too often issues like high demand for meeting spaces, limited access to meeting rooms, meeting room squatters, and scheduling system limitations make finding the right room at the right time a challenge.
In this whitepaper, Recon Research delves into the problems preventing employees from finding and joining meetings with ease, and explores how to find a room scheduling solution that simplifies room scheduling for IT and employees alike.
The Impacts of Video on Patient and Clinician Experiences
Read this article to learn what patients and providers think about the current state of the telehealth experience
Video Fatigue Is Widespread – But Manageable
Do you feel overwhelmed by the number of video calls you attend? You may have “Zoom fatigue.” Learn some practical tips to combat this very modern condition.
Equipping Employees for Hybrid Work: What the Research Says
Hybrid workers struggle to collaborate effectively when remote due to a lack of tools. They’re underequipped. Read this report to learn why and how to fix it.
Five Key Takeaways from HIMSS21
With so much happening at the HIMSS21 conference, it can be hard to know where to start! Take a moment to read about what we found most valuable from attending.
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