Logitech Classroom Solutions at Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)
Universitas Padjadjaran creates a thriving hybrid learning environment with Logitech Classroom Solutions

Padjadjaran University (UNPAD) is one of the most reputable public universities in Indonesia, with more than 30,000 students across 17 faculties. UNPAD has a vision to become a world-renowned university by creating a positive impact to communities across Indonesia.
Rally Bar, Tap, Scribe
Bandung, Indonesia
“The academic community at UNPAD has been greatly helped by Logitech solutions for the classroom. We highly recommend Logitech products that support hybrid learning in Indonesia.”
Alan Ridwan Maulana, M.Kom
Head of Information Systems and Technology
The pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology in education. Institutions must be able to adapt to these advancements in order to compete in the digital era, including Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD). To continue classes amidst the pandemic, UNPAD applies a hybrid learning method, which allows students to attend classes on-campus or online from the comfort of home.
To support this, UNPAD needs the best and most seamless technology, allowing them to connect students to lectures without any disruption.
To successfully apply the hybrid learning method, lecturers at UNPAD need to make sure they can create an interactive and beneficial lesson for both students in the classroom and students at home.
There is a need to avoid technical issues that may disrupt their lessons, such as unclear audio and blurry images and video. It must also be easy for students to see what their lecturer writes on the whiteboard from their laptop screen.
UNPAD chose Logitech Classroom Solutions to support its hybrid learning implementation. By using Logitech Tap, a class can be easily started at the touch of a finger.
Unpad also uses Logitech Rally Bar, which allows students to clearly listen to the lecturer’s presentation and feel like they are in class with their peers. On top of that, Logitech Scribe seamlessly converts the classroom’s whiteboard into a digital whiteboard that students at home can access on their laptop screen.
Logitech Room Solutions assisted both lecturers and students in successfully conducting hybrid learning activities on a daily basis. An interactive discussion can be easily carried out virtually among students, with the support of high-quality audio and video that ensures no one is left out.

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