Logitech’s Supplier Diversity Practices

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We Will Support Suppliers and Partners That Are Black, Women, and Minority Owned 

We are committed to growing the number of suppliers owned by underrepresented groups across the globe and pledge to five key actions.

  1. We will require all our future US-based purchasing to include at least two qualified Black, women or other under-represented suppliers to be part of the candidate pool (when available).

  2. Due to systemic inequity, if we are unable to find qualified Black, women and other under-represented suppliers, we are going to ask our selected suppliers to submit a clear diversity action plan as a qualifying criteria to win our business. In other words, if we don’t find under-represented suppliers, we’re going to demand that our existing ones be more diverse. This will amplify our impact by expecting our current suppliers to begin to put in place concrete actions in their business practices - hiring, buying, and culture to promote diversity.  

  3. We will make it easier for Black, women and other under-represented suppliers to work with Logitech by shortening their payment terms and reducing their contractual obligations. Under-represented suppliers are often small suppliers who can face barriers in working with corporations which can impede them in competing for the business, never mind winning the business! We are committed to removing these barriers to give the under-represented suppliers an equal chance at winning our business. 

  4. But we won’t stop at 1), 2) and 3). We will partner with like-minded corporations, diversity action groups (such as National Minority Supplier Development Council) and international advocacy groups (such as WeConnect) to further support Black, women, and under-represented suppliers in our own network and beyond through loan programs and investment.

  5. As of today, we are committing to create a supplier development program of black, women and other under-represented groups. To start we will select through this program 5-10 suppliers each year for whom we will offer advisory services, pilot projects, network access, and capital. The vision here is that some elements of this support can come via the Volunteer Time-Off program and we will share more details shortly.  

We will concentrate on these five key actions in the US initially where advocacy groups are most well established, we can most easily track our impact and we will be able to make a positive impact fastest. We will continue to learn whilst doing this and once our model is working we will take it worldwide.

We are certain we will be more fair in supporting and promoting diversity among our supply base, but we are certain we will be more competitive if our supply base is more diverse.

To learn more about Logitech’s Supplier Diversity initiatives, read Supplier Diversity Program.


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