Case Study: Hopecam Leverages Logitech Video Conferencing to Connect Children with Cancer to their Support Systems

Case Study


Logitech Video Conferencing Helps Hopecam Connect Children with Cancer to their Support Systems

Hopecam Overview


Hopecam helps children with cancer connect with their friends, their classrooms, and their support systems while they’re going through cancer treatment.

When Hopecam founder Len Forkas’ son Matt was diagnosed with Leukemia in 2003, one of the first side effects was that Matt could not go to school.  At the toughest time in his life, Matt could not be with his friends and his friends could not be with him. With Logitech video conferencing technology and laptop computers, Forkas was able to help his son overcome that social isolation.

"You should have been in the room with those two cameras clicked on and my son could see his friends and they could see him,” said Forkas. “It was magical.”

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501(c)(3) Non-Profit Charity

Reston, VA




When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it’s important to keep them connected to school and friends to help overcome the burden of sudden social isolation.

Hopecam was founded to help decrease the loneliness and anxiety such children experience as a result of their illness. To accomplish their goal, they needed high-quality, affordable, and easy-to-use video conferencing solutions to connect individual children with their classroom communities.


On the simplest level, Hopecam facilitates its mission with a BRIO webcam on one end of a video call and a MeetUp ConferenceCam on the classroom end.

As Hopecam has scaled to help hundreds of children connect with their support communities while undergoing treatment, they’ve relied on Logitech video conferencing technology to provide the essential face-to-face contact. As one mother states, “Hopecam nailed it by being able to provide this type of capability to kids who might not be able to go to school."


Hopecam reached a milestone in 2018 by connecting over 1,800 children with their classroom communities throughout the United States and abroad. This was accomplished in part by the combination of quality, ease of use, and affordability that are core to all Logitech video conferencing solutions. By bringing children together through simple video meetings, Hopecam is continuing to expand its ability to ease the social isolation experienced by children enduring treatment for cancer.

“We use Logitech because it’s the best equipment available. As we’ve grown in scale to serve more children, Logitech has been with us every step of the way. It’s been a beautiful partnership.” 

Len Forkas

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