Webinar - Better Video Meeting Experience with Logitech Skype for Business



Spiceworks Video Meetup

Empty video conference room

Watch this Spiceworks video meetup to learn what IT pros need to know about selecting a video conferencing system to pair with Microsoft Skype for Business. Logitech experts join IT professionals from the Spiceworks community to talk about the impact of video conferencing hardware on the Skype for Business experience, and what features to look for when purchasing webcams and other peripherals.

The video features live demos of Logitech video conferencing solutions, including ConferenceCam Connect and GROUP, to demonstrate features and capabilities.


Highlights Include


How video conferencing hardware built for Skype for Business improves the meeting experience.


A look at the video and sound quality of Logitech ConferenceCam Connect and GROUP


How Logitech SmartDock, a Skype Room System-certified solution, takes the guesswork and clutter out of the conference room.

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perform in a business environment.