10 Ways to Optimize Your Meeting Rooms for Video Conferencing
How to Get More from Your Video Conferencing Software

As spending on video conferencing services has exploded in recent years, some organizations wonder if they are doing enough to maximize their investment. Large companies today may spend millions of dollars annually on Microsoft Teams, Zoom, or Google Meet. Are they getting the full value for that investment?
Download our infographic for 10 ways to increase ROI by creating a great meeting experience, encouraging adoption, and simplifying management for IT admins.

Ensure remote meetings feel like face-to-face for everyone involved

Simplify setup and maintenance with all-in-one video bars

Make it easy for employees to join meetings on other platforms

Enable whiteboard collaboration in every meeting room

How to Maintain Sustainable Growth in Virtual Care

Enabling Whiteboard Collaboration with Logitech Scribe

Top 10 Tips for Looking Your Best on Video

Simplifying Meeting Room Scheduling
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