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Maintaining Sustainable Growth in Virtual Care
Improved Quality of Telehealth Technology Will Enable Digital Health Infrastructure to Align With Consumer Demand

With virtual care emerging as a long-term viable option for care delivery, this Frost & Sullivan Ebook outlines and prioritizes the necessity for strategic technology selection to capture clinical value and improve quality outcomes. It explores the strategic imperatives driving virtual care and creates a vision for integration and video collaboration that meets clinical, financial, and health IT needs. Finally, Frost & Sullivan offers a model for a required infrastructure to support this paradigm shift to virtual care.
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Frost & Sullivan Evaluates Rally Bar For BYOD Meeting Rooms
Analysts at Frost & Sullivan share their experiences configuring, installing, managing and using Rally Bar in bring-your-own-device mode.

Customer Stories
Williamson County, Texas
TX County Maintains Human Connections in Hybrid Workforce with Logitech Rooms Solutions for Microsoft Teams.

Decluttering the Hybrid Workspace
Recon Research explores the importance of a clutter-free desk for hybrid work, and how an all-in-one docking station can help

Enabling Whiteboard Collaboration with Logitech Scribe
People love whiteboards. So why aren’t they used in video meetings? Learn how Logitech Scribe brings whiteboards into virtual meetings to support collaboration.
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