Our Commitment to Supplier Diversity | Logitech

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Partners’ Supplier Diversity Plan

Our prime suppliers must also submit a clear supplier diversity action plan. This is a qualifying criteria for any business that wants to work with us.

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Shorter Payment Terms

Shorter payment terms grant quick access to payment which in turn improves the cash flow situation for some categories of diverse suppliers.

People meeting in meeting room

Advocacy Organizations

Advocacy organizations like the National Minority Supplier Development Council, WEConnect International, Women Business National Council, United States Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce, National LGBT Chamber of Commerce to mention a few, work with us to support the growth and development of diverse suppliers within our ecosystem.

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Diverse Supplier Development Program

Create a supplier development program for under-represented business groups. We will select through this program 5-10 suppliers each year for whom we will offer advisory services, pilot projects, networking opportunities, and access to capital.