Logitech MAP Policy: US Minimum Advertised Price Rules

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Logitech, Inc.
US Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) Policy

Logitech has adopted this MAP policy (“Policy”) to maintain and build brand equity, and encourage the promotion and investment by Logitech’s channel partners in Logitech products and services. This Policy defines Logitech’s expectations from all resellers of its products who advertise to customers in the United States (“Resellers”).

This Policy pertains to the minimum advertised prices (“MAP”) for Logitech’s products set forth herein (“Products”). Reseller will establish its own resale prices for Products in Reseller’s sole discretion, and Logitech will not discuss with any Reseller such Reseller’s Product resale prices. Nothing in this Policy restricts the actual price at which a Reseller may sell a Product.

Policy Provisions

A. General

  1. Logitech may, at its sole discretion, update the list of Products and their MAP from time to time. Logitech may also revise or modify this policy to change, suspend or discontinue the policy, in whole or in part, or to designate promotional periods during which the terms of the policy change or do not apply to some or all of the Products.
  2. Resellers are responsible for remaining current with this Policy, the list of Products, and their MAP.

B. Advertisements

  1. This Policy applies to all advertisements of Products in any and all media, including but not limited to flyers, posters, coupons, mailers, inserts, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, direct-mail advertising, advertising stuffers in monthly statements, phone solicitation, television, radio, and public signage, as well as Internet sites (e.g. email, banner, pop-up, pop-under, websites, social media sites, apps, or any other electronic media (“Advertisements”).
  2. From time to time Logitech may offer rebates or discounts in connection with Products. Promotional advertising that highlights such rebates or discounts offered by Logitech are not considered Advertisements in violation of this Policy.
  3. For purposes of Internet-based sales only:

    1. Pricing information displayed for potential customers who follow links such as “click here for your price”, “click for lower price”, “price too low to print”, “click for our price”, “click for special pricing”, stricken text (e.g., example) or other similar text or symbols are considered Advertisements under this Policy.
    2. Pricing information displayed for potential customers who have affirmatively proceeded toward making a purchase such as by placing a Product into an electronic “shopping cart” or by following links such as “click here to order”, “add to cart” or “click to buy” or during the purchase payment process are not considered Advertisements for purposes of this Policy.
    3. This Policy does not apply to the following promotional advertisements on the Internet: (i) exclusive gift with purchase items available only on the Reseller’s website (where the gift is not a Product); (ii) excess inventory gift with purchase (where the gift is not a Product); (iii) advertisements that a customer will buy a Product and get a free product; (iv) advertisements that the more Products a customer purchases, the more money the customer will save; (v) discount percentage applied to a specific Product category; (vi) Product bundle savings based on a curated listing approved by Logitech.

C. Displayed Pricing

  1. Reseller is not required to list Product prices in its Advertisement, but any advertised prices must be equal to or greater than the MAP for the applicable Product.
  2. In all Advertisements for two or more Products that are part of a bundled sale, Reseller must display:

    1. a price for each Product in the bundle that is equal to or greater than the applicable MAP for each Product in the bundle; or
    2. a single combined price for the bundle that is equal to or greater than the combined MAPs for the Products in the bundle.

D. Enforcement

  1. Logitech will monitor compliance and will, in its sole discretion, enforce penalties against violators of this Policy, and penalties will include, without limitation, suspension and deauthorization.
  2. Logitech may, in its sole discretion, utilize, either directly or indirectly, a third party service provider for purposes of monitoring compliance, reporting, and any other activity with respect to this Policy.

E. Communications

  1. Logitech will not discuss the advertising practices of one Reseller with another Reseller.
  2. Reseller must direct all questions about the policy to the email address: brandprotection@logitech.com

F. Notices

Reseller may elect to report instances of non-compliance with this Policy to brandprotection@logitech.com, and Logitech may discuss allegations of non-compliance only with the alleged non-compliant Reseller. Logitech employees have been instructed not to discuss this Policy or any violations with anyone outside of Logitech, including Resellers or their employees. Logitech does not seek and will not accept assurances of compliance with this Policy at any time. We request that Resellers not attempt to discuss such matters with Logitech employees.


Violation Consequence
First violation (the first time Reseller is not in compliance with this Policy in a given Logitech fiscal quarter) Written warning notice (“Warning Notice”) of violation and violator must come into compliance with the MAP Policy within 24 hours of the Warning Notice.
First violation (where Reseller fails to come into compliance within 24 hours of the Warning Notice) If a violation (regardless of Product) occurs, then a notice of the first violation (“First Notice”) will be provided. Reseller will have twenty-four (24) hours from the date of First Notice to comply with the Policy. The Reseller in violation will be suspended from purchasing the Product (including all SKUs listed for such Product) for a period of thirty (30) days. Reseller will not be eligible for any Logitech marketing, promotional funds, or special pricing allowances associated with the Product (including all skus listed for such Product) in question for the violation and for the thirty (30) day period during which purchasing is suspended. For online violations, continued violation of the Policy after the twenty-four (24) hour period from First Notice will be deemed a Second Violation.
Second violation (where a violation (regardless of product) occurs within six (6) months of a First Notice) Notice of the second violation (“Second Notice”) will be provided. Reseller will have twenty-four (24) hours from the date of Second Notice to comply with the Policy. The Reseller in violation will be suspended from purchasing the Product (including all skus listed for such Product) for a period of ninety (90) days. Reseller will not be eligible for any Logitech marketing, promotional funds, or special pricing allowances associated with the Product (including all skus listed for such Product) in question for the violation and for the ninety (90) day period during which purchasing is suspended. For online violations, continued violation of the Policy after the twenty-four (24) hour period from Second Notice will be deemed a Third Violation.
Third violation (if a third violation (regardless of product) occurs within six (6) months of a Second Notice) Notice of the third violation (“Third Notice”) will be provided and the Reseller in violation will be suspended from purchasing the Product (including all skus listed for such Product) indefinitely and Reseller will no longer be eligible for any Logitech marketing, promotional funds, or special pricing allowances associated with the Product (including all skus listed for such Product) in question for the violation and thereafter.
Subsequent violations For any Product line for which Reseller has had a violation, if Reseller remains violation-free for a six (6) month period, any subsequent violation for that product line will be deemed a first violation (see above).


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